
双语说河南|河南省国资入股柬国航 河南——柬埔寨——东盟“空中丝路”建设提速

大河网 2022-05-07

The ancient Silk Road bridges a deeper cooperation for the Central Plain with other countries in the new era.


Good news comes from Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone that Xinggang Investment Group Co., Ltd., has become a shareholder of Cambodia Airways Co., Ltd., showing that a new "Air Silk Road" linking Henan with Cambodia and other ASEAN countries has been basically shaped.


On March 15, Xinggang Investment Group's project manager described the significance of the cooperation between Henan and Cambodia as that "If we regarded the 'Air Silk Road' from Zhengzhou to Luxembourg as a line for freight businesses of European countries, this new road might be of Asian countries for passenger transport."


Zhengzhou's international aviation hub construction accelerated



The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement entered into force on January 1 this year, marking that the world's most populous free trade zone with the largest economic and trade scale has been officially launched.


Henan's Government Work Report of 2022 proposes to expand opening-up into new fields and spaces, seize new opportunities of the RCEP agreement, and strengthen cooperation with the ASEAN countries, Japan, South Korea, etc.


Under this background, Xinggang Investment Group acquired 28 percent of stake in Cambodia Airways with the support of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, thus ranking the second largest shareholder next to the Cambodian government (30 percent).


Since Cambodia enjoys an outstanding geographical advantage in the "East Asia/Northeast Asia-ASEAN Air Silk Road", the flight time between Cambodia and other ASEAN countries is between 0.5 and 3 hours. The cargo and mail throughput of Zhengzhou airport increased by 6 times over the past 10 years. Its throughput exceeded 700 thousand tons for the first time in 2021. Zhengzhou airport has been listed among the top 40 cargo airports worldwide for two consecutive years.


"It is a complementary and win-win cooperation," remarked the project manager. By establishing a headquarter of Cambodia Airways in China, with the goal of building an "Air Silk Road" for passenger transport of Asian countries, Henan will expand its Zhengzhou-ASEAN air route in an all-round way with Zhengzhou and Cambodia as two hubs. Via Cambodia, the air route can reach the rest ASEAN countries, while via Zhengzhou, the Northeast Asian countries and the Russian Far East, which is bound to build up an influential international aviation hub.


A new pattern of Henan's opening-up



The latest data released by the General Administration of Customs shows that in 2021, the import and export value of China's trade in goods totaled 39.1 trillion yuan, of which 5.67 trillion yuan was contributed by its trade with the ASEAN countries. Among all the trading partners, ASEAN has maintained China's largest trading partner in goods for two consecutive years. China has remained ASEAN's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years since 2009. The above figures demonstrate the great vitality and resilience of the economic and trade relations between China and the ASEAN countries.


"Such an air route will serve as an important bridge to strengthen personnel exchanges, carry out international cooperation and further trade agreements between Central China and the ASEAN countries as well as the RCEP member countries. Both two parties can further explore the vast market of China the ASEAN countries, which is of great significance for expanding Henan's opening-up with the introduced industries and regional value enhancement," said an expert.


With great confidence in the future, the project manager said that Cambodia Airways would set up an aviation-training base in Zhengzhou to promote aircraft financial leasing services.


Considering the rapid development of Zhengzhou Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone and cross-border e-commerce industry, plans also made by the two parties to build a tourist distribution center and a center for economic, trade, cultural and tourism cooperation with the ASEAN countries in Zhengzhou, and develop airport duty-free shops and cultural and travel-related industries to attract tourists' consumption. These plans not only help Zhengzhou to promote internationalization and build itself into an international consumer center, but also make Zhengzhou an important driver for Lancang-Mekong Cooperation and the cooperation between the RCEP member countries. 


The two "Air Silk Roads" are complementarily developed, integrating Henan into the global industrial chain and accelerating Henan’s high-quality development.


来源:河南日报 记者/杨凌 编译/赵汉青 审校/焦丹

责编:韩淼宇  审核:姜秋霞



